Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Rogers to Adopt Comcast’s Industry-Leading Network Design Across Its Footprint | CMCSA Stock News

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Rogers Communications and Comcast have announced a collaboration to implement Comcast’s leading network design across Rogers’ footprint in Canada. This industry-first implementation aims to deliver faster speeds, enhanced reliability, and lower latency to Canadian customers, similar to what Comcast offers in the U.S.

The partnership leverages Comcast’s global technology platform, which incorporates artificial intelligence, cloud-based network functions, and edge computing. These technologies enable Comcast to provide superior internet experiences by identifying and solving network issues proactively, efficiently scaling capacity, and reducing latency.

This collaboration positions Rogers to quickly upgrade its network and roll out next-generation DOCSIS 4.0 Unified technology, offering symmetrical multi-gig speeds nationwide. Comcast Technology Solutions will provide Rogers with its new Access Network Solution, including implementation roadmap, technical advisory services, and operational support.

Rogers Communications e Comcast hanno annunciato una collaborazione per implementare il design di rete all’avanguardia di Comcast su tutto il territorio di Rogers in Canada. Questa implementazione, la prima nel settore, mira a fornire velocità più elevate, maggiore affidabilità e minore latenza ai clienti canadesi, simile a quanto offre Comcast negli Stati Uniti.

La partnership sfrutta la piattaforma tecnologica globale di Comcast, che incorpora intelligenza artificiale, funzioni di rete basate su cloud e edge computing. Queste tecnologie consentono a Comcast di offrire esperienze internet superiori identificando e risolvendo proattivamente i problemi di rete, scalando efficientemente la capacità e riducendo la latenza.

Questa collaborazione posiziona Rogers per aggiornare rapidamente la propria rete e lanciare la tecnologia unificata DOCSIS 4.0 di nuova generazione, offrendo velocità simmetriche multi-gig su tutto il territorio nazionale. Comcast Technology Solutions fornirà a Rogers la sua nuova soluzione di rete di accesso, inclusi la roadmap di implementazione, i servizi di consulenza tecnica e il supporto operativo.

Rogers Communications y Comcast han anunciado una colaboración para implementar el innovador diseño de red de Comcast en la huella de Rogers en Canadá. Esta implementación, primera en la industria, busca ofrecer mayores velocidades, mejor fiabilidad y menor latencia a los clientes canadienses, similar a lo que Comcast ofrece en EE. UU.

La asociación aprovecha la plataforma tecnológica global de Comcast, que incorpora inteligencia artificial, funciones de red basadas en la nube y computación en la periferia. Estas tecnologías permiten a Comcast brindar experiencias de internet superiores al identificar y resolver proactivamente problemas de red, escalar capacidad de manera eficiente y reducir la latencia.

Esta colaboración coloca a Rogers en una posición para actualizar rápidamente su red y lanzar la tecnología unificada DOCSIS 4.0 de próxima generación, ofreciendo velocidades multi-gig simétricas en todo el país. Comcast Technology Solutions proporcionará a Rogers su nueva solución de red de acceso, incluyendo un plan de implementación, servicios de consultoría técnica y apoyo operativo.

로저스 커뮤니케이션즈콤캐스트는 콤캐스트의 최첨단 네트워크 디자인을 로저스가 운영하는 캐나다 전역에 적용하기 위한 협업을 발표했습니다. 이 업계 최초의 구현은 캐나다 고객에게 더 빠른 속도, 향상된 신뢰성 및 낮은 지연 시간을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하며, 이는 콤캐스트가 미국에서 제공하는 것과 유사합니다.

이번 파트너십은 인공지능, 클라우드 기반 네트워크 기능 및 엣지 컴퓨팅을 포함하는 콤캐스트의 글로벌 기술 플랫폼을 활용합니다. 이러한 기술을 통해 콤캐스트는 네트워크 문제를 사전 예방적으로 식별하고 해결하여 우수한 인터넷 경험을 제공하고, 용량을 효율적으로 확장하며, 지연 시간을 줄일 수 있습니다.

이번 협업은 로저스가 빠르게 네트워크를 업그레이드하고 차세대 DOCSIS 4.0 통합 기술을 도입하여 전국적으로 대칭 멀티 기가 속도를 제공할 수 있는 기반을 마련합니다. 콤캐스트 기술 솔루션은 로저스에 새로운 접근 네트워크 솔루션을 제공하며, 여기에는 구현 로드맵, 기술 자문 서비스 및 운영 지원이 포함됩니다.

Rogers Communications et Comcast ont annoncé une collaboration pour mettre en œuvre le design de réseau de pointe de Comcast sur le territoire de Rogers au Canada. Cette mise en œuvre, première dans l’industrie, vise à offrir des vitesses plus rapides, une fiabilité accrue et une latence réduite aux clients canadiens, similaire à ce que Comcast propose aux États-Unis.

Le partenariat tire parti de la plateforme technologique mondiale de Comcast, qui incorpore intelligence artificielle, fonctions de réseau basées sur le cloud et edge computing. Ces technologies permettent à Comcast d’offrir des expériences internet supérieures en identifiant et en résolvant proactivement les problèmes de réseau, en augmentant efficacement la capacité et en réduisant la latence.

Cette collaboration positionne Rogers pour moderniser rapidement son réseau et déployer la technologie unifiée DOCSIS 4.0 de nouvelle génération, offrant des vitesses multi-gig symétriques à l’échelle nationale. Comcast Technology Solutions fournira à Rogers sa nouvelle solution de réseau d’accès, comprenant la feuille de route de mise en œuvre, des services de conseil technique et un soutien opérationnel.

Rogers Communications und Comcast haben eine Zusammenarbeit angekündigt, um Comcasts führendes Netzwerkdesign auf dem Territorium von Rogers in Kanada zu implementieren. Diese branchenweit erste Umsetzung zielt darauf ab, kanadischen Kunden schnellere Geschwindigkeiten, verbesserte Zuverlässigkeit und geringere Latenz zu bieten, ähnlich wie Comcast es in den USA tut.

Die Partnerschaft nutzt Comcasts globale Technologieplattform, die künstliche Intelligenz, cloudbasierte Netzwerkfunktionen und Edge-Computing umfasst. Diese Technologien ermöglichen es Comcast, überlegene Internet-Erlebnisse zu bieten, indem sie Netzwerkprobleme proaktiv identifizieren und lösen, die Kapazität effizient skalieren und die Latenz reduzieren.

Diese Zusammenarbeit positioniert Rogers, um sein Netzwerk schnell zu modernisieren und die next-generation DOCSIS 4.0 Unified-Technologie auszurollen, die landesweit symmetrische Multi-Gig-Geschwindigkeiten bietet. Comcast Technology Solutions wird Rogers seine neue Access Network Solution zur Verfügung stellen, einschließlich eines Implementierungsfahrplans, technischer Beratungsdienste und operativer Unterstützung.


  • Rogers will implement Comcast’s leading network design to improve speed, reliability, and latency

  • The collaboration enables Rogers to quickly upgrade its network and roll out DOCSIS 4.0 Unified technology

  • Rogers will be able to offer symmetrical multi-gig speeds nationwide

  • Comcast’s technology platform incorporates AI, cloud-based functions, and edge computing for enhanced performance

  • The partnership builds on a 10-year agreement to bring Xfinity products and technology to Canada


This collaboration between Rogers and Comcast represents a significant leap in network infrastructure for Canadian telecommunications. By adopting Comcast’s network design, Rogers is positioning itself to offer enhanced speeds, reliability and lower latency across its extensive footprint. The implementation of AI, cloud computing and edge processing in network management is a game-changer, potentially leading to proactive issue resolution and more efficient resource utilization.

The move towards DOCSIS 4.0 Unified technology paves the way for symmetrical multi-gig speeds, which is important for meeting the growing bandwidth demands of modern households and businesses. This upgrade could significantly improve Rogers’ competitiveness in the Canadian market, especially in areas like streaming, gaming and remote work applications that require high-performance internet.

For investors, this partnership signals Rogers’ commitment to long-term infrastructure improvement, which could translate to increased customer satisfaction, reduced churn and potential revenue growth. However, the substantial investment required for this network overhaul may impact short-term financials and the success will largely depend on the execution of this complex technological transition.

This partnership between Rogers and Comcast is a strategic move that could reshape the Canadian telecommunications landscape. By leveraging Comcast’s proven network design, Rogers is essentially leapfrogging years of independent R&D, potentially giving it a significant edge over competitors like Bell and Telus.

The adoption of Comcast’s global technology platform extends beyond just network infrastructure. It sets the stage for Rogers to introduce new entertainment and connectivity experiences, mirroring Comcast’s successful X1 platform deployment. This could lead to increased average revenue per user (ARPU) through value-added services and content offerings.

For Comcast, this deal represents a new revenue stream and validates its technology on an international scale. It could open doors for similar partnerships globally, potentially transforming Comcast into a major technology provider for telecom operators worldwide. Investors should watch for any impact on Comcast’s technology licensing revenue in future earnings reports.

While the long-term outlook appears positive, the immediate challenge lies in the seamless integration and rollout of this technology across Rogers’ vast network. Any significant delays or technical issues could impact both companies’ reputations and financial performance.

Enables Canada’s Coast-to-Coast Internet Provider to Deliver Faster Speeds, Enhanced Reliability, Lower Latency to Canadian Customers

Comcast Continues to Expand the Reach of its Global Technology Platform for Delivering Next-Generation Entertainment and Connectivity Experiences

Rogers Communications will begin an industry-first implementation of Comcast’s leading network design the two companies announced today. With this collaboration, Rogers will advance its roadmap to deliver faster speeds, enhanced reliability, and lower latency across its footprint like what Comcast has made accessible to more than 60 million homes and businesses in the U.S. The effort continues Comcast’s expansion of its global technology platform, allowing service providers across the globe to deliver next-generation connectivity and entertainment experiences to customers.

Rogers to adopt Comcast’s industry-leading network design across it’s footprint (Graphic: Business Wire)

“We’re continually investing in our national coast-to-coast wireline network, which connects over 60 percent of Canadian households, to deliver the best network performance to our customers,” said Mark Kennedy, Chief Technology Officer, Rogers. “We have a longstanding partnership with Comcast and we’re proud to continue working together to bring Canadians the best internet technology.”

By integrating artificial intelligence, performing network functions in the cloud, and moving data processing closer to customers, Comcast has positioned its network to deliver a world-class Internet service to its consumer and business customers. AI identifies and solves network issues before they impact customers. The cloud enables more efficient use of network resources and the ability to scale capacity when demand spikes. And delivering services closer to end-users reduces latency and supports the highest quality connection for streaming, gaming, videoconferencing and more.

Together, these technologies empower Comcast to deliver a faster, more responsive, and consistently superior internet experience to its customers. With Comcast’s network design and expertise as its guide, Rogers will be positioned to quickly upgrade its footprint and leverage the incredible benefits of the built-in AI, cloud and edge compute. It gives Rogers a clear path to roll out next-generation DOCSIS 4.0 Unified technology, to begin offering symmetrical multi-gig speeds nationwide, and industry-leading reliability, performance and security.

“We revolutionized the entertainment experience when we launched X1 and moved the brains of the TV box into the cloud, and today that same technology is being used by TV providers across the globe,” said Charlie Herrin, president of Technology, Product and Experience for Comcast. “Over the years, we have continued to build new capabilities that create game changing entertainment and connectivity experiences and our latest collaboration with Rogers is breaking new molds for how Comcast innovation and our global technology platform can be adopted and deployed by network operators across the globe.”

Global Technology Platform

Comcast’s global technology platform is the innovation engine behind its entertainment and connectivity products. The platform seamlessly integrates systems that combines voice search, discovery, apps and interactive features to deliver intuitive, delightful experiences for our customers. The latest collaboration with Rogers introduces a leading-edge network blueprint that can be deployed by network providers across the globe to speed their deployment of next-generation speeds, reliability and low latency to support the increasing data consumption needs of consumers.

Comcast Technology Solutions

Comcast Technology Solutions, the group within Comcast that specializes in helping service providers deploy its innovative products and technology, will provide Rogers with its new Access Network Solution as a part of the latest collaboration between the two companies. The solution includes the implementation roadmap, technical advisory services, and operational support, to support the deployment.

Rogers and Comcast History of Innovation

This partnership builds on the 10-year agreement to bring the latest award-winning Xfinity products and technology to Canadians across the country that Rogers announced earlier this year. With the expansion into the delivery of access network technology, Rogers continues to build on their leadership in connectivity and entertainment experiences.

About Rogers

Rogers is Canada’s leading communications and entertainment company and its shares are publicly traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: RCI.A and RCI.B) and on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: RCI). For more information, please visit or

About Comcast Corporation

Comcast Corporation (Nasdaq: CMCSA) is a global media and technology company. From the connectivity and platforms we provide, to the content and experiences we create, our businesses reach hundreds of millions of customers, viewers, and guests worldwide. We deliver world-class broadband, wireless, and video through Xfinity, Comcast Business, and Sky; produce, distribute, and stream leading entertainment, sports, and news through brands including NBC, Telemundo, Universal, Peacock, and Sky; and bring incredible theme parks and attractions to life through Universal Destinations & Experiences. Visit for more information.

Joel Shadle

Comcast Corporation

Source: Comcast Corporation


What is the main purpose of Rogers adopting Comcast’s network design?

Rogers is adopting Comcast’s network design to deliver faster speeds, enhanced reliability, and lower latency across its footprint in Canada, similar to what Comcast offers in the U.S.

How will Comcast’s network design benefit Rogers’ customers?

Rogers’ customers will benefit from improved internet performance, including faster speeds, enhanced reliability, and lower latency, as well as the potential for symmetrical multi-gig speeds nationwide.

What technologies are included in Comcast’s network design that Rogers will implement?

Comcast’s network design incorporates artificial intelligence, cloud-based network functions, and edge computing to improve network performance and customer experience.

Will Rogers (CMCSA) be able to offer DOCSIS 4.0 technology as a result of this partnership?

Yes, the collaboration positions Rogers to roll out next-generation DOCSIS 4.0 Unified technology, enabling symmetrical multi-gig speeds nationwide.

What support will Comcast Technology Solutions provide to Rogers in this implementation?

Comcast Technology Solutions will provide Rogers with its new Access Network Solution, which includes an implementation roadmap, technical advisory services, and operational support for the deployment.

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