Monday, October 28, 2024

She Dumped Her Boyfriend After A Nightmare Vacation Where He Acted Awful. Now He’s Trying to Enter Canada With Fake Documents, So She Reports Him And He Gets Deported.

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She Dumped Her Boyfriend After A Nightmare Vacation Where He Acted Awful. Now He’s Trying to Enter Canada With Fake Documents, So She Reports Him And He Gets Deported.

Sometimes, the best way to get back at someone is to let the authorities handle it.

What would you do if you knew that your ex, who treated you like garbage, wanted to move to another country using fake documents?

Would you be happy they were moving? Or would you put a halt to their plans?

In the following story, one woman finds herself in this very dilemma. Here’s how she handled it.

I’m in Australia. Dating a guy.

While dating, the house he owned was sold, and to celebrate, he decided that we should go on a holiday to the States.

So, I planned it, booked it, and he paid for it. We spent five weeks throughout the States.

After about 4 months of dating, and just before we left for the holiday, it became quite apparent that he really liked his alcohol… a lot.

His terrible behavior began on the flight to America.

Moving forward, we go on our holiday.

On the flight from Australia to L.A., he got soooooo drunk, and then his true colours came out.

He was making absolutely horrid derogatory remarks to me (calling me a ****, a worthless woman…etc).

I sat there, leaned up against the window, and tried to sleep.

I managed to get the flight attendant’s attention and motioned to her to cut his alcohol service.

She did this.

It didn’t really make much of a difference…he had alcohol stashed from earlier.

I had to get up to use the bathroom, and when I came back I noticed that my handbag had been opened.

I checked everything, and found that he had taken my credit card out and broken it up, and also taken the $600US I had in there as well.

Basically he now held me hostage as I had no access now to my other funds.

When they landed, things didn’t get any better.

We landed, and I stuck to his side.

He had started to sober up, and when I told him what he had done, he was so apologetic.

He gave me the cash back, including all the cash he had, plus the spare pre-paid credit card he had.

I would be ok. I wasn’t going to let him out of my sight.

Plus, all hotel bookings we had were in his name.

I really didn’t have a choice.

We spent our holiday in Seattle, San Francisco, Vegas (where he got really, really drunk again, and I ended up sleeping on the floor of the bathroom), Anaheim, New York, and Nova Scotia.

I put up with stuff that I would not normally put up with, but I was not going to let stuff get on top of me while I was in a foreign country.

I’m strong, but I also know when I’ve had enough.

On the last night, he really crossed the line.

On our last night in New York City, he got so ridiculously drunk that he couldn’t even stand up.

We are both smokers, so rather than have him yelling at the top of his voice at me in the unit, I took him downstairs to the smoking area to try and get him and me into the public eye.

I actually felt safer doing that.

It was while we were sitting there, (and I didn’t want to look him in the eye at all as to not provoke him) he said something to me that just made me know in that instant that this ******* was not going to be in my life. I already knew, but this was the final straw.

He said to me, “Your father is a cowardly ******.”

My father served in the Australian Army for 21 years, and trust me…he likes women and not men.

After she had broken up with him, she remembered that he wanted to move to Canada.

Moving forward, we are back in Australia, and I’ve kicked him out of my life.

One thing I did know about him was that he really wanted to move to Canada and work for his friend, who had a business related to solar panels.

While we were together, he had been “doctoring” the letters and information required for him to obtain the correct visa to work in Canada.

Now, I used this against him.

I contacted the Canadian Embassy in Canberra and gave them every single detail I could about him and his soon-to-be travels to Canada.

Even had his passport number from when we travelled together.

They were very receptive to the information, including the email account he used to send the “documents” to his friend in Canada and the password to the email account too.

Also, flight numbers and dates. He was screwed.

Turns out Canada didn’t want him either.

I found out that when he got to Canada, presented everything that he needed, etc…. he was taken into a room and spoken to.

I do know that about 8 hours later or so, he was on another plane heading back to Australia.

Don’t mess with me, don’t treat me like trash, and especially don’t say horrid things about my father who served this country.

Enjoy your very expensive visit to the Canadian airport!

Yikes! That boyfriend sounds like a monster.

Let’s see how the folks over at Reddit reacted to this story.

This person’s happy he won’t be in their country.

Source: Reddit/Pro RevengeSource: Reddit/Pro Revenge

It is a pretty great story.

Source: Reddit/Pro RevengeSource: Reddit/Pro Revenge

Well, that is the best way to serve revenge.

Source: Reddit/Pro RevengeSource: Reddit/Pro Revenge

Here’s another person thankful he won’t be in their country.

Source: Reddit/Pro RevengeSource: Reddit/Pro Revenge

Maybe he’ll learn to lay off the alcohol a little because it sure sounds like he needs to.

He deserved this and more!

If you liked that story, check out this one about a woman who went on a date with somebody who was 10 years older than her. Find out what happened!

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