Thursday, September 19, 2024

Job Offer vs. Citizenship: Techie Torn Between Bengaluru and Canada

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This is the dilemma of the techie, part of a wider trend among Indian professionals. Many Indians go abroad in search of better prospects, higher salaries, and better living standards. Their movement is influenced by a plethora of factors, pursuit of advanced skills, enhanced professional growth, and an overall favorable quality of life. On the flip side of this coin, though, is the fact that leaving often means one can’t attend properly to family responsibilities or long-term career goals.

This techie’s case is symbolic of an emerging concern, India’s inability to retain skilled professionals as the latter have increasingly begun to look towards better prospects outside their country. With the best minds knocking on foreign doors for better opportunities, India’s tech industry has the double task of trying to sort out the factors that force it to leave and explore ways to attract and retain talent within its borders.

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