Sunday, September 8, 2024

Plan to revamp downtown Ottawa block sparks debate over intensification | CBC News

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Kevin Gosselin is one of the residents of 178 Nepean St. who says he won’t leave despite being asked to do so by the building’s owner, which wants to redevelop the area. (Guy Quenneville/CBC)

A proposed redevelopmentĀ of a downtown Ottawa blockĀ is sparking a debate over the merits of intensification, with tenants feeling pushed to the side and the owner saying the projectĀ will revitalize the area.

Residents on the east side of Bank Street between Nepean and Lisgar streets,Ā some of whom are longtime tenants,Ā have been asked to move out ofĀ their apartments by property owner 211-231 Bank Street Holdings.

The companyĀ wants to buildĀ 263 new apartment units with retail space onĀ the ground floor. City councillors have yet to sign off on the project.Ā 

The company and its development manager, Smart Living Properties (SLP), say theirĀ goal is a “true community space” that will help with downtown revitalization.

They say the project willĀ replaceĀ “dilapidated” business spacesĀ and injectĀ much-needed studio apartments into the market along withĀ accessibleĀ multi-room units.

Some wouldĀ be furnished, others not.Ā 

Residents of theĀ relatively low-cost apartmentsĀ in the existing buildingsĀ say the relocation money they’ve been offeredĀ isn’t enoughĀ and worry someĀ might end up homeless.

While they want the project to includeĀ space for those at risk of displacement,Ā the company saidĀ it can’t cater to everybody.Ā 

“I don’t think that you can demolish a building or put up anything new without acknowledging what you’re destroying or taking away,” said Julie Ivanoff, one of the affected tenants.Ā 

A row of stores with apartments above them.
The proposed redevelopment is for the east side of Bank Street between Nepean and Lisgar. (Guy Quenneville/CBC)

Almost all businesses have left

The buildings on the block’sĀ east sideĀ dateĀ back more than a century, havingĀ hosted everything from an early 20th-century movie theatre at 219 Bank St. to a bathhouse and massage parlour at 178 Nepean St.

The land was bought by 211-231 Bank StreetĀ HoldingsĀ from a family inĀ autumnĀ 2021.

Today, aside from one vape shop, all theĀ businesses have left. Seventeen of the 27Ā apartmentsĀ remain occupied despite calls for the residents to leave.Ā 

“We are resisting,” said Manuel Cua, whoĀ hasĀ lived on the blockĀ since 1998.

Cua says he enjoys feeding homeless cats in the areaĀ and pays $478Ā a month in rent for a bachelor-type apartment, which he realizes is “lucky.”

To maintain the block’s heritage character, the company plansĀ to preserve theĀ business facadesĀ ā€” “a costly engineering undertaking,” it told CBC ā€” and install over 9,000 square feet of new retail space, according to documents submitted toĀ the city.Ā 

The empty storefrontsĀ haveĀ “negatively impact[ed]Ā the surrounding street,” according to the company’sĀ emailed statement to CBC.Ā 

Someone poses on a city street corner in early spring.
‘We are resisting,’ said Gosselin’s neighbour Manuel Cua, pictured here at the corner of Bank and Nepean streets on April 12, 2024. (Guy Quenneville/CBC)

Above the businesses, there would be a residential tower up to nine storeysĀ high, set back from the property’s front andĀ sides.

That’s mid-rise compared toĀ much tallerĀ projects previously proposed for Centretown, said Mary Huang, the president of the area’s community association, which has calledĀ 211-231 Bank StreetĀ Holdings’s proposal “a welcome addition to the neighbourhood.”

To make room for the new apartments, the interiors of the current buildingsĀ will beĀ demolished, according to a heritage impact statement.Ā 

The companyĀ hopes people could live there againĀ in the latter part of 2026 and “attract more people and bring a renewed sense of community to the area.”

‘Down to the dirt’Ā 

One resident of 178 NepeanĀ St.,Ā John Bergeron, has called the block home since 1981Ā and says the current situation facing tenants is “unacceptable.”Ā 

His neighbourĀ Kevin GosselinĀ hasĀ lived there for almost seven years and pays $720 a monthĀ for a bachelor unit. While the building is old and has no elevator, Gosselin said there areĀ alsoĀ “no bugs, no ratsĀ [and the] neighbours are cool.”

Tenants sayĀ they each received an N13 notice to endĀ their tenancyĀ from 211-231 Bank StreetĀ Holdings in October 2023.

“This is a legal notice that could lead to you being evicted from your home,” the documentĀ said, adding that all rental units will be demolished “down to the dirt.”

No timeline for that work was cited, though residentsĀ were asked to move out by Feb. 29, 2024.

“Having to move out of a place that you have called home is never easy, and we strive to provide as much advance notice ā€¦ as possible,” the company told CBC.Ā 

The way the housing situation is right now, there’s a good chance a lot of these people ā€¦Ā are going to be homeless.– Kevin Gosselin

If all of the tenants agreed to end their tenancies one month earlier, on Jan. 31, they would receiveĀ up to 12 monthsĀ rent andĀ a $500 moving allowance, according to a letter sent out with the N13 notice.Ā 

Tenants were also offered help to find a new apartment “in the local area.”

Both of those supports are beyond what the Residential Tenancies Act requires,Ā said John Dickie,Ā an Ottawa lawyer who specializes in residential landlord-tenant law and isĀ chair of theĀ Eastern Ontario Landlord Organization.Ā 

Dickie has acted as a lawyerĀ for SLP in the past but is not currently on retainer for them, he said.Ā 

By the end of February, the company offered tenantsĀ chequesĀ covering threeĀ months’ rent, as required by law, according to the company.Ā An accompanying letter continued to offer relocation assistance “on an agreed basis.”Ā 

A rendering of a brick nine-storey building on a street corner.
211-231 Bank StreetĀ Holdings is proposing to build over 200 new apartments in a nine-storey development with new business space on the ground floor. (City of Ottawa/Fotenn Consultants Inc./217 Nepean Street Holdings Inc. & 211- 231 Bank Street Holdings)

GosselinĀ said the money the company has pledged isn’t enoughĀ because rents will be much higher elsewhere. According to, the average rent for a bachelor suite in Ottawa is $1,644.

“I understand theyĀ are a business and they’re out to make money,”Ā Gosselin said of the company.Ā “But the way the housing situation is right now, there’s a good chance a lot of these people ā€¦Ā are going to be homeless.”

Ivanoff said that when she got the N13 notice, she worried about having to resettle in the middle of winter and wondered whether the company could even take these steps “when there is no project approval.”

According to Dickie, it can.

Issuing the N13s before city approval of the project is legal,Ā he said.Ā So is negotiating with the tenants for termination.

If things escalated, though, and Ontario’sĀ Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) ordered evictions, Dickie said theĀ company would generally need to have city approval of the rezoning and other permitsĀ in hand first.

At the same time, it’s “sensible” to issue the N13 early because there can be lengthy delays in the LTB process, he added.

According to the city, the companyĀ can’t demolish anything until they have a building permit. They can’t get that permitĀ without their zoning amendmentĀ and site plan being approved, which hasn’t happened yet.

The companyĀ said it expects demolition to start after it finalizesĀ theĀ exterior facade preservation plan with the city “in the coming months.”

Company touts ‘generous’ assistance

SomersetĀ Coun. Ariel TrosterĀ saidĀ while she supports intensification, sheĀ shares residents’ concerns about being priced “out of the downtown” and “possibly priced out of the city.”Ā 

Troster also worries that furnished apartments will not lead to long-term stays and so is not prepared to support the project when it comes to council’s planning and housing committee.

“This project has become symbolic for a lot of residents of the way intensification can lead to displacement,” she said.Ā Ā 

If the company incorporated affordable housing units that current tenants could move intoĀ ā€” aĀ featureĀ the city says is not requiredĀ ā€” that would “be a great outcome,” TrosterĀ said.

Huang agreed “it would be nice” if some accommodation with current tenants could be reached.

Apartments above a former arts supply store in a city.
Some of the existing apartments are above the space recently left by Wallack’s. (Guy Quenneville/CBC)

In its statement,Ā 211-231 Bank StreetĀ Holdings said it would be “unreasonable to expect one development project can cater to all the diverse housing needs in the neighbourhood or city.”

A high concentration of studio apartments in the development, the company said,Ā will “strategically offer lower-cost entry into newly constructed buildings.” It also said its “generous and comprehensive relocation assistance package” was offered to existing tenants based on community feedback.

Even though the Jan. 31 deadline has come and gone, the company said it still plans to offer tenants relocation assistance,Ā 12 months of compensation and $500 for moving expenses.

Some residents have already successfully found new places to liveĀ and have been compensated under the terms of the original offer, the company added.

“Although individualized care is available, a group approach and co-operation among the resident group would maximize the available resources for the residents,” the company said.

“We remain optimistic that more residents will join those who have already successfully found a new home.”

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