Nominations voting is from January 8-12, 2025, with official Oscar nominations announced January 17, 2025. Final voting is February 11-18, 2025. And finally, the...
In 2019, Todd Phillips gave us Joker, a highly divisive, but undeniably impactful film starring Joaquin Phoenix. Five years later Phillips and Phoenix are...
With so many movie releases being sequels, reboots or from existing IP in some capacity, Tim Burton's Beetlejuice Beetlejuice seemed to crack the code...
Moviegoers said yes to more “ Beetlejuice Beetlejuice ” this weekend.After its monster opening, the Tim Burton sequel easily topped the domestic box office...
Corus Entertainment Inc. has filed a complaint with Canada's broadcasting regulator alleging Rogers Communications Inc. is "engaging in predatory behaviour" to suppress potential competition.In...