Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Your horoscope for the week ahead: Emotions could run high — try not to take them out on people you love | CBC Life

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You could find yourself in a bit of a funk at the top of this week, particularly as the instinct-ruling moon wanes into her last quarter in moody Cancer on Tuesday. Emotions are known to run high under this lunation, so it’s important that you find a positive way to release any frustration that crops up. Remember: it’s not wise to pick fights when you’re caught up in your feelings. Keeping your thoughts to yourself will help you avoid getting into hot water with the ones you love. 

Meanwhile, you could find your brain power revving up as speedy Mercury trines innovative Uranus on the same day. The energy of this transit can be electric, encouraging us to make quick decisions and take interesting risks. If you’re ready to shake things up in a big way, be sure to surround yourself with people who intrigue you during this time. They could help you develop new goals or even push you to explore something that once felt like a pipe dream. 

You’ll be in a prime position to enhance your professional reputation as intellectual Mercury in meticulous Virgo trines transformative Pluto in ambitious Capricorn late Wednesday or early Thursday, depending on your time zone. Take advantage of this aspect to make bold moves at work and call in favours where you need them. Setting up meetings with people whose work you admire could also help you glean valuable information that you can quickly put to use. 

Finally, you could start to feel more in tune with your social compass when Mercury moves into diplomatic Libra later on Thursday. As our communication-ruler travels through the cardinal air sign, we tend to feel more agreeable and flirtatious, and find it easier to navigate interactions with grace, tact and charm. Just watch that you don’t ignore your own opinions and priorities in the process. Leading with integrity will ultimately win you more friends than enemies.

Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, September 23, 2024.


Is your schedule becoming overly complicated, Aries? Perhaps it’s time to take a step back and do a real inventory of your day-to-day routines. Listen to your instincts as you mull over where you can cut back — your inner voice can help you identify what busywork and errands are clogging up your calendar so that you can let them go. Then, as Mercury moves into Libra mid-week, you could find that you’re able to get more accomplished when you collaborate with your colleagues and loved ones. While you won’t be in the mood to be bossed around, being open to feedback from people you trust will be crucial to your success. 


What brings you pleasure, Taurus? At the start of this week, nurturing your curiosity about this question could end up steering you toward a brand new chapter of your career. Contemplate how you can tap into your creative interests and talents to build something truly lucrative. And don’t be afraid to lean on your loved ones in the process; they’re sure to support your ambitions and could even be a great sounding board as you brainstorm your next moves. Just keep in mind that once you’ve established a solid plan, it’ll be up to you to prove you can back up your ideas with meaningful work. 


Are mounting frustrations around money starting to get the better of you, Gemini? While dealing with these matters might be stressful, it’s important that you resist the urge to just give up this week. Remember: your quick mind can help you sort through any financial challenge you face. Give yourself a moment to really think through the problems in front of you — it’s likely that you’ll discover solutions hiding in plain sight. Then, as Mercury enters Libra, you may find yourself in the mood to unwind and indulge your artistic side. From now through the next few weeks, enjoy pouring your energy into your creative projects and hobbies.


Does it feel as though you’re just spinning your wheels lately, Cancer? This could be a sign that you need to reassess your priorities. So at the start of this week, give yourself a chance to really think about what you like to do that’s just for you. Remember that it’s not a crime to be a little selfish every now and then; in fact, banking some quality “me time” could be just what you need to recentre yourself and get back on track. Meanwhile, if you find it more difficult than usual to communicate with others, do your best to stop overthinking. Focusing too much on minute details will only make your world feel smaller. 


Your words have power, Leo. Be sure to keep that in mind at the top of this week, especially if you’re trying to gain favour or financial backing for one of your passion projects. If you play your cards right, you could make a compelling argument that gets you what you need to realize your vision. Don’t be afraid to take risks, either — out-of-the-box ideas will be particularly intriguing to the people who matter during this time. Then, mid-week, loved ones could pop out of the woodwork to offer strong insights on improving your earning potential. If you’re ready to accept their advice, you could be in for a valuable lesson about hard work. 


Your time is a precious resource that shouldn’t be squandered, Virgo. Try to remember that at the start of this week, and do your best to work smarter, not harder when it comes to your professional responsibilities. Getting creative with your tactics could help you plow through a mountain of tasks in what feels like record time. Meanwhile, you might find it useful to strike up conversations with people in your orbit who have careers that you admire. Ask them about their secret sauce — you could end up gaining valuable information that allows you to really maximize your productivity moving forward. 


Does it feel like you’re being pulled in too many different directions lately, Libra? It’s essential that you work to re-establish your priorities and reclaim some of your time at the start of this week. You’re at a critical juncture when it comes to your passion projects, but you’ll need to hone your focus in order to see the progress you’re after. Meanwhile, you may find yourself craving more comfort, especially from your surroundings. Use your sharp mind to determine what it’ll take to transform your home into the space you’ve always dreamed of — and strategize where you might find the money to make it all happen. 


Have you been craving more meaningful connections, Scorpio? This week, opening up to your social circle about what you want out of love and friendship could help you better understand your inner workings and even discover fresh ways of putting yourself out there. And if you’re looking to improve your romantic bonds in particular, don’t be afraid to ask for advice. Your pals could have some unconventional ideas for how to spice things up, whether you’re single or attached. Meanwhile, this chatty mood could extend into your professional world; remember to be wise with your words around influential people who can help you reach your goals. 


Have you been so focused on your work or family life lately that you’ve let your other commitments fall to the wayside, Sagittarius? This week, zooming out to look at your responsibilities as a whole could help you identify where you need to redistribute your energy. Listen to your inner voice to carve out more wiggle room so that you can achieve everything that your heart desires. Then, as Mercury moves into Libra mid-week, you’ll be ready to switch gears and invest more time with your friends and community. If you’re single, this could also be an exciting moment to mix things up with people who share your passions. 


Feeling stressed, Capricorn? At the start of this week, you may need to bite your tongue to avoid taking out your frustrations on the people you love most. Do your best to gather your patience and find a positive way to release your nervous energy. Communicating how you’re really feeling underneath it all will also help to ensure that wires don’t get crossed. Meanwhile, you could find that an idea for a delightful money-making venture strikes you when you least expect it, perhaps while you’re doing errands or chores. Summon your analytic mind to test out any new business ideas you come up with — nothing is off the table right now. 


Try not to sweat the small stuff this week, Aquarius. Focusing on your mistakes will only hinder your performance when the pressure is on, so do your best to act swiftly and keep your head down so you can plow through your to-do list. And if you need a break, don’t hesitate to take one. You’ll be better equipped to handle any challenges that crop up when you’ve had a chance to recharge your emotional batteries. Meanwhile, a chance meeting or two could call your attention to just how many invisible strings connect you to others. Take a second to really bask in the richness of your world. 


Have you been feeling detached from your inner artist lately, Pisces? If so, remember that it’s often more difficult to make beautiful things under stress. This week, taking time to centre yourself can help you regain your emotional equilibrium so that you’re able to really get back on track. Then, as Mercury enters Libra mid-week, your intuitive abilities could heighten, allowing you to easily pick up on hidden signals and gain more understanding of the world around you. From now through the next few weeks, use this enhanced sense of awareness to approach delicate situations with a precise yet gentle touch. 

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