Friday, October 18, 2024

Your special fall equinox 2024 horoscope is here | CBC Life

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So long, summer. On Sept. 22, we’ll greet the fall equinox, when day and night become nearly equal in length. We may feel driven to mirror this event with our actions, and seek to create more harmony in our relationships and surroundings as the cooler weather sweeps in. Also on this day, the radiant sun will illuminate peace-keeping Libra, kicking off a new astrological season. Under the influence of the cardinal air sign, we’re able to easily compromise with people and can even act as excellent negotiators. Just don’t forget to speak up for your own needs as you navigate this diplomatic energy. Otherwise, you could end up feeling some resentment toward others and making passive-aggressive jabs that you’ll come to regret. 

2024’s final solar eclipse will arrive on Oct. 2, as the ego-ruling sun and emotion-driving moon conjunct in idealistic Libra. Solar eclipses can help usher exciting changes into our lives, and this particular transit may urge us to rethink how we engage with others and how we can work to rebuild trust where it’s needed. Summon your inner strength to navigate any delicate situations you find yourself in, and do your best to stand your ground without giving up your softness. 

On Oct. 9, abundant Jupiter will station retrograde in inquisitive Gemini — but don’t fear. When the largest planet in our solar system moves in reverse, it tends to be a less bumpy experience for us than other planetary retrogrades. In fact, he often motivates us to look inward and truly appreciate our blessings. During this transit through Gemini, we’ll be encouraged to find the magic in our ideas and interactions with one another. Use the next four months to listen, observe and absorb all that you can — remaining flexible will be key to your success.

Then, when the spirit-driving sun enters spooky Scorpio on Oct. 22, we could notice a shift in the atmosphere calling us to embrace our dark sides. Over the next four weeks, we’ll also be drawn toward passion and intensity, and may even feel compelled to pursue certain desires no matter the cost. Romantic encounters could be particularly spicy during this period, as we’ll be eager to do away with surface-level interactions and cut right to the chase. But if you’re in a relationship, be warned that this transit can bring out some jealous tendencies. Try not to get too possessive of your partner. 

A new era of innovation and collective thinking begins on Nov. 19, when dynamic Pluto enters progressive Aquarius, where he’ll stay for the next 19 years. Technology and community will play a vital role in our lives throughout this period, and together we could experience some significant societal shifts. Seize this opportunity to adjust your perceptions of the world and forge connections in fresh ways. 

A contagious sense of optimism could start to fill the air when the sun fires up free-spirited Sagittarius on Nov. 21, initiating a season of joyful discovery. Under this influence, we tend to feel most alive when we’re engaging with others, discussing big-picture ideas and learning about our shared history. Use the next few weeks to feed your mind with art, culture and experiences you’ll remember forever — just be careful that you don’t end up burning the candle at both ends and exhausting yourself in the process. 

You’ll be wise to watch where you’re going — and pump the brakes if necessary —  when speedy Mercury stations retrograde in spontaneous Sagittarius on Nov. 25. The messenger planet is in his detriment in Sagittarius, meaning we must be especially mindful when he travels backward through the mutable fire sign. So throughout the next three weeks, refer to the usual Mercury Rx checklist: slow down, read the fine print and remember to make a backup plan when travelling. And if life begins to feel a little too chaotic, take it as a sign to relax and recoup your energy before the winter holidays really get underway. 

Finally, when energetic Mars stations retrograde in confident Leo on Dec. 6, prepare for a cosmic catnap of sorts. The planet of energy, drive and desire only turns retrograde every 26 months or so, and when he does, he calls us to rest and recalibrate rather than keep trying to push ourselves to the limit. From now until late February 2025, don’t be afraid to press pause and adopt a more passive approach to love and work. Prioritizing your most important duties and eliminating useless tasks will help you protect your peace. 

Here is your special horoscope for fall 2024.


Your bonds with others are constantly evolving, Aries. And on Oct. 2, when your pleasure-ruling sun and domestic-minded moon meet up in your seventh house of relationships, it will be a wonderful time to consider how your connections to the most important people in your life have ebbed and flowed over the years. As you do, take a moment to think about how you can reinvest in your support system and celebrate those who truly uplift you.

Then, if you begin to feel like you’re pushing yourself to the limit, don’t hesitate to take some time for yourself as Mars — your ruling planet — stations retrograde in your fifth house of creativity on Dec. 6. The warrior planet’s reverse movement invites us to stop rushing ourselves and take much-needed breaks. You can also use this energy to put old ideas to rest so that you can make space for new projects to blossom and perhaps even explore your artistic side. 


Ready to shake things up, Taurus? When the solar eclipse in Libra arrives on Oct. 2, an annoying kink in your schedule could crop up, calling your attention to where you need to make changes. Luckily, during this transit, your domestic-ruling sun and reflective moon will link up in your sixth house of health and routines, helping you better prioritize your time. Just try to move slowly as you seek to streamline your day-to-day — if you get too ambitious, you could set yourself up for failure.

Meanwhile, if you’ve been craving more out of your connections with others, perhaps it’s time to imagine fresh ways of bringing your social circle together. You’ll be in a prime position to do so when Saturn — your intellectual-ruler — stations direct in your 11th house of friendships and goals on Nov. 15. Use this moment to plant the seeds for a new community to grow. 


Are you ready to tap into your sense of wonder, Gemini? When the solar eclipse arrives on Oct. 2, you’ll be called to seek inspiration from unexpected places. You may even dream up some exciting money-making ideas as this transit sees the moon — your finance-ruler — conjunct the sun in your fifth house of pleasure and creativity. If you’ve been saving up for a rainy day, this could also be an excellent time to invest in your hobbies or treat yourself to something special. 

Then, you’ll be encouraged to reimagine what’s possible for your professional life when Neptune, your career-ruling planet, stations direct in your 10th house of career and influence on Dec. 7. Life could start to feel more magical under this influence, and you may notice your creative confidence ramping up too. As you decide where to direct your energy, ask yourself: what dreams would I pursue if I didn’t have any limitations? 


Your time and energy are worth protecting, Cancer. Try to keep this in mind if you notice your work commitments putting a strain on your personal life this fall. You may feel particularly inspired to make a big adjustment when your money-ruling sun conjuncts the moon in your fourth house of private life, home and family on Oct. 2. Summon your courage and harness this solar eclipse to enact changes that’ll make your day-to-day more enjoyable.

Then, you’ll be invited to slow down even more when your health-and-work-ruling planet — Jupiter — stations retrograde in your 12th house of secrets and dreams on Oct. 9. This transit urges us to let go of busy work in favour of exploring our body’s connection to our mind. Seize this opportunity to adopt a practice that allows you to really centre yourself and nurture your inner voice. 


Say yes, Leo. Invitations of all kinds could be headed your way this fall, especially around the solar eclipse on Oct. 2. In fact, as the sun and moon unite in your third house of communication and neighbours, it might feel as though everyone wants a piece of you. Go ahead and fill up your calendar with as much social activity as you think you can reasonably handle — just keep in mind that it’ll be up to you to stay present with the people you commit to spending time with. 

Then, on Oct. 11, when your domestic-ruling planet — Pluto — stations direct in your sixth house of work and routines, you could finally unlock your ideal schedule. Remember: you don’t have to reinvent the wheel in order to maintain your personal and professional progress. The key is to listen to your intuition. 


Have you been looking to strengthen your financial situation, Virgo? The solar eclipse on Oct. 2 could give you a push in the right direction, helping you better understand your assets and income. During this transit, the sun and moon will align in your second house of values and material possessions, urging you to explore alternative methods for minding your money, too. Just be sure that you still allow yourself a few treats here and there as you work to redesign your budget. 

Then, you could find you’re in the mood to let your hair down with the people you love as Saturn — your pleasure-ruler — stations direct in your seventh house of relationships on Nov. 15. This transit urges us to be more present with the ones we care about most. Have fun releasing a little control and letting others take the lead. 


It’s time to reconnect with your power, Libra. And starting Sept. 22, when the sun illuminates your first house of appearances and the self, you could get the push you need to kick-start your next chapter. If you’ve been toying with a bold creative idea of late, this could be an ideal moment to dive in and see where the current takes you. 

Then, you could find you’re in the mood to wind down and celebrate your accomplishments as Neptune — your health-and-work-ruling planet — stations direct in your sixth house of routines on Dec. 7. Go ahead and take the pressure off wherever possible during this transit, especially as the busy holiday season approaches. Just be sure to also give yourself some extra time to get things done, as distractions can easily stretch out your timelines under this influence.  


The truth has a way of coming out, Scorpio. And when your career-ruling sun and intuition-guiding moon unite in your 12th house of secrets and dreams on Oct. 2, hidden knowledge is likely to be revealed. During this solar eclipse, new information could even come to light via a difference of opinion. So be sure to give yourself time and space to fully process any conflict that arises in this moment. 

Then, when Mars — your health-and-work-ruling planet — stations retrograde in your 10th house of career and influence on Dec. 6, you could get a long-overdue chance to slow down and recuperate at work. Use this transit to really examine everything you’ve accomplished over the past two years and identify which strategies have contributed to your success. And do your best to avoid forging ahead on new projects — this is a time to rest and refine.


Are you ready for your social life to take off, Sagittarius? When the sun and the moon meet up in your 11th house of friendships and goals on Oct. 2, relationships with acquaintances that you’ve known for a while could begin to develop into something deeper. Now is your chance to branch out and explore a new realm of possibilities. If you’ve been looking for opportunities to give back to your community, this could also be your moment to make a true impact. 

Then, when Jupiter — your ruling planet — stations retrograde in your seventh house of partnerships and marriage on Oct. 9, your closest bonds could be thrown under a microscope. Perhaps there’s an imbalance in effort or affection that needs to be reset; use this moment to check in on your loved ones and get on the same page so that you can celebrate what brings you together. 


A blessing in disguise could help accelerate your career this fall, Capricorn. So be sure to pay close attention to any shifts that occur at work around the solar eclipse on Oct. 2. During this transit, your creativity-driving sun and love-ruling moon will link up in your 10th house of influence and public life, putting you in a prime position to amplify your impact. Don’t let this chance slip away — a new job or promotion is within reach if you can strike while the iron is hot. 

Then, if you’ve been spending the past few months learning fresh strategies for increasing your efficiency, you’ll have a chance to put these tools to work as Saturn — your ruling planet — stations direct in your third house of communication and neighbours on Nov. 15. Still, don’t forget to add a human touch to your interactions, especially when dealing with your inner circle. Remember: it’s important to give others a chance to take the lead and add their contribution. 


Ready to explore uncharted territory, Aquarius? As your love-ruling sun and wellness-minded moon link up in your ninth house of travel and education on Oct. 2, you could be presented with a thrilling opportunity to make romantic memories. If you’re single, you may find yourself getting swept off your feet by someone from a different background or culture. Meanwhile, Aquarians in relationships can tempt their partner with a once-in-a-lifetime getaway. 

Then, when your career-ruling planet — Pluto — stations direct in your 12th house of secrets and dreams on Oct. 11, you might feel like you’re waking up to a brand new era of professional possibilities. Take advantage of this energy to plot out what you’d like to pour your energy into moving forward. This will also be a powerful moment to revisit any goals you’ve pursued, and perhaps pushed to the wayside, in the past. 


Are your financial needs being met, Pisces? You may feel fired up to review your assets and obligations when your routine-ruling sun and creative-ruling moon join forces in your eighth house of death and transformation on Oct. 2. Your focus will be razor-sharp under the energy, allowing you to tackle paperwork, debts and contracts with precision and out-of-the-box thinking. Just be sure to work at your own pace — now is not the time to rush.

Then, you’re encouraged to be more gentle with yourself starting on Dec. 7, when Neptune — your ruling planet — stations direct in your first house of appearances and the self. Your supernatural sensitivity will be magnified under this influence, helping you connect and reflect the energy of those around you. Take note of the people who light you up and those who deplete you over this period.

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